If you would like to sign up for any of the following ministries, please contact the parish office at 507.452.4770 or [email protected]. *Requires Virtus Training
Prepare the sacred vessels and linens needed for the liturgy and clean and put away all items afterwards.
Responsible for fostering an atmosphere of welcome, reverence and order by greeting people as they arrive for Mass, aiding with seating, offertory collection, and distributing bulletins. You are perfect for this ministry if you enjoy knowing everyone and love to smile.
Assist the priest and deacon in the distribution of the precious Body and Blood of Christ at Mass. Must be a confirmed parishioner.
Proclaim the Word of God at Mass. Enliven the hearts of hearers through your proclamation of the Scriptures. Must be a confirmed parishioner.
Open to youth, 4th grade and older AND their parents, or other adults. Assist the priest with specific duties, in a reverent and prayerful manner, at weekend masses, daily masses, funerals and special liturgies.
Present the gifts of bread and wine for the celebration of the Eucharist at weekend and special liturgies.
Children ages 4 through 2nd grade gather with their teachers to hear the Word of God in an age appropriate setting. They rejoin the congregation at offertory time. Lesson books are provided for the teacher and aide. This is a great opportunity for adults and high school youth. Time commitment is for one year, one Sunday per month at the 10:30 AM Mass. Requires VIRTUS Training.
Wash and iron purificators and other altar linens used during Mass. Training provided.
Our church décor/environment incorporates beauty and liturgical meaning. This team creates a welcoming and seasonal sacred space. Some tasks include tending fresh flowers, assembling and arranging seasonal décor.
This is a choir for men and women of high school age and older. The Adult Choir sings a variety of music in traditional and contemporary styles for approximately two 10:30 AM Masses per month, as well as providing music for special liturgies during Christmas and Holy Week, and at diocesan events. Rehearsals are 7:00-8:00 PM on Wednesdays during the academic year.
This group sings for Mass approximately once per month during the academic year.
Grades 2 & 3. This group rehearses after school from 2:15- 3:15 PM on Thursdays.
Grades 4 through 6. Thus group rehearses after school from 2:15- 3:15 PM on Wednesdays.
This group provides accompaniment during the festival seasons and meets at a mutually convenient time (usually Thursdays at 7:00 PM).
These adults and young people lead the singing for the Eucharistic liturgy - including some solo singing - at weekend, holy day, and festival Masses throughout the year.
Instrumental accompaniment of many types is used from time to time during Mass and at other liturgical events.
Help children of all ages get excited about their faith! Join a team of catechists who teach the Catholic Faith to children grades 1-9. Curriculum and age appropriate materials for each class are provided. Classroom aides are also needed.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a beautiful journey and celebration of initiation into our Catholic community of faith. We prepare and welcome our brothers and sisters who are seeking baptism in the Catholic Church, or full communion with the Catholic tradition through the Profession of Faith, reception of the Eucharist and Confirmation. Sponsors for RCIA serve as the Inquirer's personal contact and connection to our faith community. Sponsors walk the journey of faith with the Inquirer, pray for them, demonstratesby example the life and worship of a Cahtolic, and enters into frequent conversation with the Inquirer. Catechists and sponsors are welcome to contact Anna in the parish office.
Strengthen your marriage as you guide engaged couples through their time of preparation. You may mentor one or two couples a year. Mentor couples are also asked to help with Pre-Cana classes in Winona one to two weekends per year.
Be a part of this exciting ministry which nourishes us in our faith for engaged, life-long learning. Get involved in Bible Studies, faith-based Movie Nights, Book Discussion Groups, Faith Sharing Groups, or Retreats.
Discover the fullness of our faith through studying what the Church has written on our unique role as women made in the image of God. Study groups last 8-10 weeks and are scheduled at various times.
Our parish is renewing our ministry to high schoolers by organizing small youth groups. These groups are facilitated by volunteer mentors. There are three openings in this foundational ministry to our youth:
Small groups welcome middle and high school age youth who would like to grow in their relationship with Jesus by getting together with a trusted peer group. You will have the chance to share your faith and discuss issues that are important to you.
If you love to smile when someone walks into the room and are comfortable opening up your home, consider providing a comfortable meeting place for a small group for 90 minutes every other week. Providing a simple snack is appreciated.
If you love to listen and enjoy helping youth develop in their faith, this is a great ministry for you! Work directly with a small group of youth in a team of 2 mentors. All materials are provided by the parish.
Come spend one hour per week with Jesus. Take some much needed time to retreat from the daily grind, to pray, and to get recharged by the Lord. Consider signing up for one hour of adoration once a week. Jesus is calling you!
If you would like to intentionally pray for parishioners and their loved ones who are experiencing a difficult time, this ministry is for you: be an ambassador of prayer!
A group is forming to meet weekly in the sanctuary, spending time with the Lord in adoration, praise, intercessory prayer, Evening Prayer, Lectio Divina, and other forms of traditional prayer. All are welcome.
The Newman Center evangelizes and serves young adults at Winona State University. Activities at the Newman Center include community nights every Thursday followed by Mass at 9:00 PM, retreats, bible study groups, a spring break mission trip, opportunities for community service, and much more. The Newman Center building is open 7 days a week from 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM. Come and see us!
Young adults are welcome to join in fellowship the second Thursday of every month for Gospel and Game Night. Additional events are held throughout the month. Check us out on Facebook.
A parish-based gathering of Catholic families who come together to enliven their faith and foster a Catholic culture. Families enjoy activities, fellowship, prayer and special feast day celebrations. Join us during the school year on Tuesdays from 3:30-5:00 PM at Cathedral.
Foster a rich Christian community with the Welcome Committee as they reach out to new parishioners and host a Welcome Dinner for new parishioners once a year.
Join the dynamic team that organizes this engaging community-building event for the Cathedral parish. Opportunities are available for the Steering Committee as well as Fest volunteers.
Servers are needed to help with this ministry of hospitality after Mass each Sunday. A welcoming smile is the only requirement. There is minimal set-up and clean-up. Groups and families welcome.
Receptions are held throughout the year for special liturgies and funerals. Help welcome visitors and families with a warm smile and facilitate the sharing of a meal.
Prepare a yummy dessert in your own kitchen and bring it to the parish for events or funeral luncheons.
You are invited to participate in a wonderful ministry of prayer and presence to those who through age and ailment are unable to join the parish community at Mass or other events.
Extend the care and support of the parish community to those who are unable to attend Mass due to illness or disability. Bring Holy Communion to a group of Catholic residents at Lake Winona Manor and Brookdale or to a homebound parishioner’s residence.
For parish residents at St. Anne’s, the monthly social gathering is held on the third Wednesday of the month at 2:00 PM. Those involved in this outreach help to bring residents to and from their rooms to the dining area, serve refreshments, and visit with the residents.
Come pray the Holy Rosary with our parishioners at Lake Winona Manor Chapel on Thursdays at 11:00am.
Help minister to our wider community by delivering meals to the homebound in Winona. Meals are provided. Commitment is one day a week for a month.
Are embracing God’s design for life and marriage and promoting religious liberty priorities for you? If so, you are welcome to be a part of this group which follows the four objectives set by the United States Council of Catholic Bishops: Public Information & Education, Pastoral Care, Public Policy, and Prayer & Worship.
An Ecumenical Christian ministry which provides simple and affordable housing for low income families. Various volunteer opportunities include:
Painting, framing, flooring are a few examples of the hands-on work you can do on a team of volunteers. No experience necessary; you will work under the direction of Habitat jobsite construction manager to construct.
Help keep usable materials out of landfills by helping at the Restore! Check in donated items, and assist customers with purchased items.
Prepare a snack or lunch for volunteer groups working at a jobsite. Usually involves preparation and delivery for groups of 12-16 people.
Periodic tasks involving addressing envelopes or data entry.
Work in teams of 3-4 to count and record money from collections. Money Counters complete a detailed deposit worksheet. Experience working with adding machines and spreadsheets are helpful but not necessary.
Use your creativity and tech savvy skills to engage others in parish life digitally by keeping the community up to date about what is happening at the Cathedral.
Participate in the blessed ministry of cleaning the house of the Lord. Tasks include vacuuming, dusting, and general tidying of the main body of the church and the entryways. Sign up for one or several times a year. Groups and families welcome.
Praise the Lord for the goodness of His creation by tending a garden or flowerbed around the Cathedral. Some of the areas can easily be taken care of by one person, while others may need a group of people to maintain them. Some areas will require regular weekly or monthly maintenance, others only require maintenance once or twice a season. If you would be interested in this ministry, please sign up and we will give you a garden to care for throughout the season based on your availability.
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The Pastoral Council is viewed as the unifying structure within the parish which guides the liturgical, social, ecumenical, educational, and administrative activities of the parish, along with any other aspects of parish life which contribute to the living out of the Gospel. The Council acts as a forum to provide communication between the parishioners, committees, the pastor and the staff. Council members serve a 3 year term and meet monthly.
The Finance Council considers and makes recommendations concerning parish finances. They work within the approved parish budget to supervise spending that helps reach the physical and spiritual needs of the church.
Join in the rewarding service of engaging parishioners to experience growth in faith and fellowship that will encourage participation and connection in all areas of parish life. Committee meets monthly.
Provides long-range planning and goal setting for the parish. They help manage any parish “work days” and individual volunteer activities. They also provide parishioner input to the Parish Councils concerning facility related issues.
Men’s service organization focused on charity, fraternity, patriotism, and the Catholic faith. This group is involved in charitable works, especially for youth. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of the month. Any Catholic man age 18 and older is welcome to join.
Volunteer organization with 3 main purposes: To pray for and promote vocations to the priesthood and religious life, to support our current priests and religious, and to advance the spiritual life of its members. The Serra Club meets on the third Monday of each month at St. Casimir Church, starting with dinner at 5:30 PM followed by a program. A holy hour is held on the first Thursday of every month at 5:00 PM at Cathedral’s Adoration Chapel.
Married couples are invited to join a small group of other couples for spiritual growth, faith sharing, and support in your vocation of marriage. Couples in each group share a potluck meal monthly, followed by faith sharing.
Women’s service organization committed to a circle of love that encompasses youth, legislation, education, spirituality, leadership, and life. Meetings are held the second Monday of each month. Check the parish bulletin for more information..